Effective January 15, 2025.
As per our Community Guidelines, FanAmp has a zero tolerance policy for any content or activity that sexually abuses, exploits, or endangers children, whether they be real or non-real depictions with a human likeness. This includes any text and media (illustrated, real, and computer-generated). It also includes viewing, commenting, sharing, or engaging with any such material in any other manner.
Our Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE) policy prohibits content, activity, and interactions that contain:
Sexual exploitation: Depicting, supporting, or encouraging sexual acts with a child, including intercourse (explicit or implied) and genital stimulation, as well as the presence of children in sexually suggestive situations, such as those involving restraints. It also encompasses promoting or encouraging pedophilia, and identifying or mocking victims of child sexual exploitation.
Solicitation: Soliciting nude or sexualized content of children (real or non-real depictions), sexual encounters with children, and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).
Inappropriate interactions: Engaging children to plan or conduct sexual activity, or to request sexual materials, by way of messages or other forms of communication.
Exploitative intimate imagery and sextortion: Sharing or threatening to share, real or non-real intimate or sexual information and imagery, whether for money, favors, or any other reason.
Sexualization: Sharing or interacting with content that depicts children in a sexual manner. Engaging in discussions about children that are sexual in nature.
Nudity: Depicting the nudity (including the genitalia, anus, fully nude buttocks, or uncovered female nipples) of children, even when covered or obscured by transparent clothing or pubic hair.
We also prohibit non-sexual child abuse, including content or discussions that depict or support physical, verbal, emotional, or psychological harm directed at children.
To report a violation of these guidelines you may use the instructions found on the Help section of the Profile tab within the FanAmp app. You can also email support@fanamp.com.
When we become aware of any violation of this policy, we report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and work with applicable law enforcement to properly document and remove the violation.
In addition, we take immediate action against the offending account(s), including termination or permanent banning.