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FanPicks: Sector 3 Winners!

Sector 3 concluded with a spectacle in Singapore!

The on-track action has really heated up over the past six race weekends. We've had many new winners emerge, and amidst the dynamic racing the FanAmp community has also been frantically competing for points, glory, and - of course - amazing prizes! If you're new to our FanPicks then be sure to read up on how to play and join in (it's fun and free!!). Best of all, you don't need to come in first for a chance at a prize.

For those of you eager to see the Sector 3 winners, the wait is over...

Congratulations to PoolBoy and CarolineBerry!!!

The Sector 3 schedule and winners

PoolBoy stole the lead in the final weekend, beating the Sector 2 winner is91sam by 6 points!! They take home the Sector grand prize in the form of a $100 gift card for awesome motorsports merch!

CarolineBerry earned the giveaway prize for playing along this Sector: a $25 gift card. They earned an impressive 1,717 points.

Curious to see how you stacked up against the competition? Simply head to Picks and Achievements in FanAmp (under the 'More' menu) to check your leaderboard points and rank.

More chances to win

The Sector 4 Picks schedule

While Sector 3 is finished, there are still many more chances to win in the final 6 races of the season. Sector 4 is now under way and lasts through the season finale in Abu Dhabi. Play along in FanAmp for every Sprint Qualifying, Qualifying, and Grand Prix session to earn bonuses and maximize your points.

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